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- <title>9.9. 
- Configure Grid
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- <th colspan="3" align="center">9.9. 
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Configure Grid</span>
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- <h3 class="title"><a id="gimp-image-configure-grid"></a>9.9. 
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Configure Grid</span>
- </h3>
- </div>
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- <a id="gimp-configure-grid-dialog"></a>
- <a id="id351634" class="indexterm"></a>
- <p>
- The <span class="guimenuitem">Configure Grid</span> command lets you set
- the properties of the grid which you can display over your image
- while you are working on it.
- The <span class="application">GIMP</span> provides only Cartesian grids.
- You can choose the color of the grid lines, and the spacing and offsets
- from the origin of the image, independently for the horizontal and
- vertical grid lines. You can choose one of five different grid styles.
- </p>
- <div class="sect3" lang="it" xml:lang="it">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <div>
- <h4 class="title"><a id="id351662"></a>9.9.1. 
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Activating the Command</span>
- </h4>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="itemizedlist">
- <ul type="disc">
- <li>
- <p>
- You can access this command from the image menubar through
- <span class="guimenu"><span class="accel">I</span>mage</span> → <span class="guimenuitem">Configure G<span class="accel">r</span>id</span>.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="sect3" lang="it" xml:lang="it">
- <div class="titlepage">
- <div>
- <div>
- <h4 class="title"><a id="id351704"></a>9.9.2. 
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">
- Description of the «<span class="quote">Configure Grid</span>» dialog
- </span>
- </h4>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="figure">
- <a id="id351718"></a>
- <p class="title">
- <b>Figura 15.69. 
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">
- The «<span class="quote">Configure grid</span>» dialog
- </span>
- </b>
- </p>
- <div class="figure-contents">
- <div class="mediaobject">
- <img src="../images/dialogs/dialogs-image-configure-grid.png" alt="The Configure grid dialog" />
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <br class="figure-break" />
- <div class="variablelist">
- <p class="title">
- <b>
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Appearance</span>
- </b>
- </p>
- <p>
- In the <span class="guimenu">Configure Image Grid</span> dialog, you can set
- the properties of the grid which is shown when you turn on the image
- grid.
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Line style</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <div class="variablelist">
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Intersections (dots)</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- This style, the least conspicuous, shows a simple dot at
- each intersection of the grid lines.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Intersections (crosshairs)</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- This style, the default, shows a plus-shaped crosshair at
- each intersection of the grid lines.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Dashed</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- This style shows dashed lines in the foreground color
- of the grid. If the lines are too close together,
- the grid won't look good.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Double dashed</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- This style shows dashed lines, where the foreground
- and background colors of the grid alternate.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Solid</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- This style shows solid grid lines in the
- foreground color of the grid.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </div>
- </dd>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Foreground and Background colors</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- Click on the color dwell to select a new color for the grid.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </div>
- <div class="variablelist">
- <p class="title">
- <b>
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Spacing</span>
- </b>
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Width and Height</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- You can select the cell size of the grid and the unit of
- measurement.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </div>
- <div class="variablelist">
- <p class="title">
- <b>
- <span lang="it" xml:lang="it">Offset</span>
- </b>
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt>
- <span class="term">Width and Height</span>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <p>
- You can set the offset of the first cell. The coordinate origin
- is the upper left corner of the image. By default, the grid
- begins at the coordinate origin, (0,0).
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </div>
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